SFC(P) Information Technology Specialist

SFC(P) (Join to see)

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66% Complete
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16 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,980
3,684 out of 51,364 E-7s
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  • Pvt May 88
  • PFC Jul 88
  • LCpl May 89
  • Cpl May 90
  • SGT Jul 95
  • SSG Mar 05
  • SFC Jan 16


Sergeant First Class Jason E. Kozeniesky, U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Jason E. Kozeniesky was born in Alamogordo, New Mexico. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology from American InterContinental University, in Dec 2006. He is a graduate of the Advanced Leadership Course and most recently a graduate of the US Army Inspector General School. For over 20 years of active and reserve enlisted multi-service, Sergeant First Class Kozeniesky has served in a variety of diverse assignments, to include major combat operations. Previous assignments include: US Marine Corps - Squad Leader, HQ & Svc Battalion, 1st FSSG, Camp Pendleton, California; Squad Leader, I MEF FWD, Operation Desert Shield; Squad Leader, Task Force Ripper, Operation Desert Storm, USMC; Primary Marksmanship Instructor, 1st FSSG, Camp Pendleton, California; Army – Honor Graduate, US Army Armor Course, Ft. Knox, Kentucky; Tank Gunner, 1st BN, 12th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division; Tank Commander, 1st BN, 12th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division; Silver Bar Recruiter and Top rookie Recruiter assigned to Yorba Linda Company, Southern California Recruiting Battalion; Army Reserve – Section Sergeant, 405th Combat Support Hospital, West Hartford, Connecticut; Distinguished Honor Graduate, US Army IT Specialist MOS training, Ft Gordon, Georgia; NCOIC, 412th Theater Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi; NCOIC, 3rd Brigade, 102nd Training Division, West Hartford, Connecticut; NCOIC, 94th Training Division, Ft. Lee, Virginia; NCOIC, 7457th Medical Backfill Battalion, Richmond, Virginia; Assistant Inspector General, USACAPOC, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina; Information Assurance Manager, US Army Cyber Command, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. Sergeant First Class Kozeniesky served in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and in Southwest Asia. His awards and decorations include the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Unit Citation, Army Commendation Medal 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Achievement Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Combat Action Ribbon, Army Good Conduct Medal, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal 4th award, National Defense Service Medal with 1 bronze star, Southwest Asia Service Medal with 2 Bronze Stars, Global War on Terror Service Medal, Professional Leadership Development ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Reserve Component Overseas training ribbon, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Saudi Arabia Kuwait Liberation Medal, and the Kuwait Liberation Medal, Drivers Badge Wheel and Track, Expert Marksman. Sergeant first Class Kozeniesky currently is assigned to the US Army Cyber Command as an Individual Mobilization Augmentee Soldier, where he serves as the Information Assurance Manager. Sergeant First Class Kozeniesky and his wife have a daughter and a son.

Personal Information

Current Location
Home Town
Bosque Farms, NM