SSgt James Smithhisler

SSgt James Smithhisler

Dates of Service: Oct 1974 - Dec 1984
46% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 120
209,380 out of 864,949 Veterans
About Discussions


  • AB
  • Amn
  • A1C
  • SrA
  • SSgt

Recent Activity  -


(10 years, 3 months)
Dec 1980 - Dec 1984
Kadena AFB
Depot PMEL for aircraft
Dec 1978 - Nov 1980
Davis Montham AFB
Precision Measurment Lab, Jet Engine Test Cell Calibration and Maintenance, Advanced PMEL training.
Jan 1978 - Nov 1978
Lowry AFB
PMEL Training
Feb 1975 - Dec 1977
KI Sawyer AFB
Recreation Services Assignment

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1993 - 1995

Personal Information

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