Recent Activity -
Firefighter / Paramedic Real Estate develope San Juan Island Washington Owner / Builder of Shipyard Cove Marina / San Juan Shipyards.... EVP Barnhill Construction / Pre Cast Erections Alameda Calif, Builder Lincoln Financial Center, Bellevue Washington. Owner Mystic Palms Plantation, Hakalau Hawaii Hawaii Island Veterans Memeorial Inc Chair www.hawaiiislandveterans.org, Chair Veterans Advisory
Military Experiences
Jan 1967 - Jul 1968
Platoon Sergeant
Survivor Battle of Soui Tre 3/21/1967 fought next to LTC John Vessey later to become Gen John Vessey, Chairman JCS... Served in Korea when JFK was killed, in Vietnam when MLK & RFK were murdered.. Left the Army 1970 after 8 years, raced Formula II Dutch Int'l Racing Haarlem, Holland, College 1971-77 DVC Jr College UC Berkeley, Firefighter Paramedic with Piedmont California... Real Estate Developer....
Greatest accomplishment is Mystic Palms Plantation and Veterans Vocational training Retreat, 1 Million $$ donated to Veterans of Hawai'i County, Chairman Hawai'i County Veterans Advisory Committee (rewrote the statutes of VAC, passed by County Council)... Incoming Chairman Hawai'i Island Veterans Memorial www.hawaiiislandveterans.org building low income housing for Veterans
Greatest accomplishment is Mystic Palms Plantation and Veterans Vocational training Retreat, 1 Million $$ donated to Veterans of Hawai'i County, Chairman Hawai'i County Veterans Advisory Committee (rewrote the statutes of VAC, passed by County Council)... Incoming Chairman Hawai'i Island Veterans Memorial www.hawaiiislandveterans.org building low income housing for Veterans
(7 years, 11 months)Nov 1969 - Jul 1970
Wurzburg Germany
3rd Inf Div Commander Staff Responsible for the Army Community Service Office, working for BG Bert A. David
Jul 1968 - Nov 1969
Fort carson Colorado
5th Inf Div Mech
Dec 1966 - Jul 1968

Vietnam War
Vietnam infantry combat platoon Sgt, Presidential Unit Citation GO 59 Battle of Soui Tre 3-21-1967 fought next to Lt Col John Vessey later to be General John Vessey Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Sep 1964 - Oct 1966
Coleman Barracks, Mannhein Germany
Mortar FDC chief 8th Inf Div, Davey Crocket Tactical Nuclear Weapon
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1969 - Apr 1969
Fort Riley kansas NCO Acedemy
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information