SFC James Bond

SFC James Bond

Dates of Service: Dec 1972 - Dec 1992
90% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,900
21,506 out of 864,744 Veterans
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  • PVT Dec 72
  • PV2 Apr 73
  • PFC Jan 74
  • SPC Oct 74
  • SGT Jun 77
  • SSG Nov 82
  • SFC Apr 89

Recent Activity  -


Born/raised in Delta, CO. Joined Army in 72. My CommCenter Specialist assignments in the Army were 3 years Okinawa, JP; 1 year Taegu Korea; 3 years 1st Inf Div, Fort Riley, KS; 5 years Pusan/Taegu, Korea; 1 year Fort Gordon, GA; 5 years Augsburg, GE; 1 year 7th Inf Div, Monterey CA. Retired Lake Ridge, VA. Contractor for SRA International, General Dynamics, & Boeing 1993-2003, Retired Delta 2003.

Military Experiences

Apr 1992 - Dec 1992
Ran the COMSEC Materiel Direct Support Activity (CMDSA) for 7th Infantry Division (L). In charge of 11 COMSEC Repairmen and 2 COMSEC accounting clerks who used the automated Army COMSEC Logistics and Information System to account for a little over 5000 COMSEC items. Keyed CRYPTO equipment, accounted for keying materiel from receipt to destruction.
Jan 1991 - Apr 1992
Telecommunications Center Operations Sergeant
Operations NCO for the battalion. Oversaw all telecommunications centers assigned to the 69th Signal Battalion. Also took up responsibility of managing 475 personal security clearance dossier for everyone in the battalion who maintained a security clearance.
Jan 1990 - Jan 1991
Streamliner Supervisor
Streamliner Supervisor: Supervisor of forty soldiers on 24 hours shifts running the Streamliner telecommunications system for the field station Augsburg at Gablingen.
May 1989 - Jan 1990
Operations NCO
Operations sergeant of the US Army Information Systems company that supported the Telecommunications Center, US Army Field Station Gablingen.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 1987 - Oct 1987

CMF 31 Communication Operations Chief

Nov 1985 - Dec 1985

Jun 1975 - Aug 1975

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Sep 1990 - Nov 1990

Streamliner Telecommunication System Operations Course

May 1973 - Oct 1973

Commcenter Specialist Course

Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

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