Recent Activity -
1978 Security Specialist Course/1978 DINFOS, Fort Harrison, IN.
PA Specialist, 21st TFW, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.
Jack Frost 1979/Brim Frost 81.
NCOIC Media Relations, 366th TFW, Mountain Home AFB, ID.
PA Staff NCO, 910 TAG, Youngstown, Ohio.
Volant Partner 1985
Recalled to active duty in 1987 with the 2400 RRMS.
Transferred to the Retired Reserve as a master sergeant in 1994
PA Specialist, 21st TFW, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.
Jack Frost 1979/Brim Frost 81.
NCOIC Media Relations, 366th TFW, Mountain Home AFB, ID.
PA Staff NCO, 910 TAG, Youngstown, Ohio.
Volant Partner 1985
Recalled to active duty in 1987 with the 2400 RRMS.
Transferred to the Retired Reserve as a master sergeant in 1994
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees