CPL Steve Stout

CPL Steve Stout

Dates of Service: Oct 1967 - Nov 1969
66% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 170
179,304 out of 864,949 Veterans
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  • CPL
  • CPL May 69

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My health is good. I'm married to a wonderful lady from the Philippines, and we have made it past 8 years together now. I have no children. I value my experience in the Army and the training I receive there. It has helped me later in life. I'm retired after 45 years in the RV business. I now enjoy helping others in AA and watching others find their way after 28 years of being sober.


Started in Feb 1969
Glenhausen, Germany
Completed my time there to return to US and process out to complete my 2 year active duty.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 1968 - Jun 1968

Personal Information
