90% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 13,752
4,278 out of 867,941 Veterans
4,278 out of 867,941 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Born and raised in the Salt Lake Valley of Utah, I've lived most of my life in the Valley. I joined the Air Force right out of high school. I enjoyed my time in service and found it challenging and was some of the best years of my life. I am divorced with four children and I am trying to get an English degree while resisting the indoctrination. I am an avid tabletop gamer including D&D and CoC
Military Experiences
Apr 1987 - Dec 1989
Tactical Weather Specialist
Maintains basic weather watch in a surface observing station. Takes, disseminates, and records observations of cloud cover and height, wind speed and direction, pressure, and temperature. Operates weather equipment including weather radar, pilot-to-metro radio, teleautograph, teletype, facsimile, and performs routine operator maintenance. Decoded and plotted surface, upper air, and radar data on maps and charts. Processes, displays, files, and disposes of weather data. Conducts quality control on weather observing products and assists the forecaster in support of station operations. Deploys to the field in direct support of a US Army aviation brigade and mechanized division.
Nov 1986 - Jan 1987
Weather Observation Trainee
Weather observation school - Yellow Rope
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information