76% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,247
30,654 out of 867,413 Veterans
30,654 out of 867,413 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jul 1987 - Feb 1988
Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) NCO
Maintained the companies CBR equipment and trained the companies soldiers in techniques for the defense of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare. Trained troops to conduct radiological surveys and decontamination techniques.
Jul 1984 - Jul 1987
Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) NCO
Maintained the companies CBR equipment and trained the companies soldiers in techniques for the defense of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare. Trained troops to conduct radiological surveys and decontamination techniques.
(8 months)Feb 1987
Tamara, Honduras
Training exercises with Las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras at La Escuela de Paracaidismo and earned Honderan Jump Wings.
Jan 1985 - Jun 1985
Multinational Force and Observers(MFO). Manned Observation Posts(OP's) on the southern eastern section of the peninsula. From Sham El Sheik to Dahab.
Oct 1985
Jungle Operations Training Center at Ft Sherman, Panama. Trained in the operation in a jungle environment.