SPC Matthew Kersey

SPC Matthew Kersey

Dates of Service: Jun 2006 - Dec 2012
64% Complete
0 Endorsements
19 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,830
15,479 out of 864,898 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Jun 06
  • PV2 Jun 06
  • PFC Jun 07
  • SPC Jun 08

Recent Activity  -


ETS'd a couple years ago,doing the school thing while I can. Did 2 1/2 years at Fort Bragg, re-enlisted to go to the LPN program. PCSd to EL Paso after phase 1, made it to the last test and decided it wasn't for me. Got orders to Vilseck, Germany and that's where I stayed for the last 3 years of my career.

Military Experiences


(2 years, 4 months)
Jun 2010 - May 2011
Afghanistan ribbon
Feb 2007 - May 2008
Afghanistan ribbon

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Foreign Language Skills


German (1/1)

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2002 - 2006

Howard W. Blake High School

Personal Information
