CPL Lyle Smith

CPL Lyle Smith

Dates of Service: Dec 1980 - Dec 1984
49% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 355
107,986 out of 864,904 Veterans
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Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jan 1986 - May 1987
771st Maint
34C1T DAS3 Computer Repair Technician
Jun 1982 - Dec 1984
Hawk Fire Control Repairman

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 1986 - Aug 1986

U.S. Army Signal Center and School

Mar 1981 - May 1982

U.S. Army Missile & Munitions Center and School

Foreign Language Skills


Spanish (2/2+)

Security Clearance
Top Secret