SGT Franklin Sheen

SGT Franklin Sheen

Dates of Service: no date specified
15% Complete
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Influence Score: 19
447,007 out of 866,622 Veterans
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Enlisted September 5, 1961 United States Military entrance processing at Fort Holabird, Maryland. September 7, 1961 basic training Fort Jackson, South Carolina (Tank Hill). Fort Jackson, SC I was stationed at Lorton Nike site,W 64 Lorton Virginia, 71st Air Defense Artillery, Army Air Defense Command (ARADCOM). as a Nike Hercules Crewmen #4, MOS 16 B TDY Fort Bliss Texas, McGregor range, for Annual Service Practice (ASP) Basic Missileman Qualification Badge. I transferred to the Army Security Agency (ASA). May 28, 1963 to November 7, 1963 Fort Devens, Massachusetts Intercept Equipment Repair MOS 286.2 school. Transferred to Vint Hill Farms Station, VA. TDY Two Rock Ranch Station, CA. Back to Vint Hill Farms Station, VA. Honorably discharged September 4, 1964 has a Spec 5