TSgt John Straub

TSgt John Straub

Dates of Service: Sep 1975 - Oct 1995
51% Complete
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 982
37,986 out of 867,313 Veterans
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  • AB
  • Amn
  • A1C Nov 75
  • SrA Mar 76
  • SSgt Sep 80
  • TSgt May 88

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Born in Westchester NY, grew up in Connecticut. Did a bit of work here and there. Worked at a drug store on lunch counter, ink manufacturing company, inventory service for a few years. Entered Air Force 19 Sept 75, day before I turned 22. Squad leader and Honor Grad from Flt 080 BMTS 3702. Went to SP Tech School about a week later and finished up in Feb 76.

Military Experiences

Nov 1995 - Oct 2014
Police officer
Started as a GG-6 one striper, became a Sgt a few years later than a Lt, retired from there as a GG-12 Step 4 Police Captain. Yeah I know, not Air Force, but it was good duty and I enjoyed working there. I made Captain about 4 years before retiring.
Oct 1983 - Oct 1995
Security Police
Worked on the flight line with aircraft assigned to the SAM program. VIP flights and Air Force 1 and 2. Flew for 10 years as an ASNCO/ASNCOIC, Aircraft Security NCO (in charge). Got to visit 131 countries and 46 States. Flew with Reagan, Bush, Quayle, Clinton, Gore, Ford one time. Loved it got to see the world on the governments dime. We were called Flying Guns back then. Now they are called Ravens I guess. And we were served the same meals as everyone else. except when we on the ground somewhere in the world and got served what was lovingly called Guard Meat. Had a point car in most places, almost got made persona non grata in Bangkok, got on the wrong side of some Col from the embassy, turned out i was right and he was wrong. Had a bit of trouble with a Col from jakarta who wanted us out
Oct 1982 - Oct 1983
Security Police
Assigned to AFI Security Police for a year. Winters were bad, the wind constant, and the base looked like it was on a lunar landscape. Got used to the weather since it only got to about 62 degrees F in the summer. Shortest amount of sunlight was from about 1530 - maybe 1030 in the winter. Wind drifts almost 2 stories high, and weather conditions Alpha, if it were a nice day, Alpha Limited if snow or ice were on the roads, Bravo if it were snowing heavily, and Charlie, which they rarely called, cause it meant you stayed where you were till it cleared up. So if you were in the Top of the Rock, they stayed open and you could drink. If you were on post, well that was where you stayed, same anywhere else on base. One of the warnings they had in the pamphlet, don't put parachutes on your kids.
Oct 1980 - Sep 1982
Security Police
Worked in the alert area, WSA, SRT ART, attended Rocky Lane's snake eater school down in Arkansas. Went to Ramstien AB Germany for REFORGER for 45 days. Two weeks after we got there and before our F-4 Squadron showed up. there was a car bombing outside USAFE HQs, I think two SP's working the front door got injured. The base cops remembered we were there and we got recalled to help search vehicles at the entry points. We were sleeping in Billeting when the bomb went off. Turned out to be a long day for everyone. Fortunately not that many people in the building or parking lot. So not as many injuries as the terrorist wanted, thankfully.