1SG Sadatna Setuckmarie II

1SG Sadatna Setuckmarie II

Dates of Service: Apr 1971 - Jun 1996
51% Complete
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 553
65,663 out of 864,744 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PFC 78
  • PVT Jun 78
  • PV2 Aug 78
  • SPC
  • SGT Oct 81
  • SSG Oct 94
  • SFC 98
  • 1SG

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

2000 - 2002
Automatic Logistic Management NCO Supervisor
Mar 1998 - Feb 2000
NBC Chemicial NCO/Assistant Paltoon Sergeant
1997 - 1998
Battalion Nuclear Biology Chemical Operation NCO
Battalion Nuclear Biology Chemical NCO for the 941st Personnel Service Battalion comprised of a battalion headquarters and five subordinate companies Supervised the daily operation of the Battalion Chemical Section. and oversee the operation of the five subordinate companies training and equipment program, Supervises or operators and maintain of both smoke generator and nuclear, biological, and chemical detection and decontamination equipment: assist in the establishment of administration, and application of NBC defense measures. Participates in preparation and operation chemical equipment to include smoke generator, M2 heater, the M12 decontamination equipment: Plan and organizes smoke generator missions, made fuel supply team work schedules, assigned duties; instructed and supervises subordinates in work techniques and procedures; supervise reconnaissance/ decontamination operations and serves as company NBC operations noncommissioned officer, trained .personnel to make chemical reports, made weekly reports to the commander on the status of the chemical section and gave input on type of training needed to commander, made and maintain training schedules, scheduled training, qualifying personnel on the operation of new chemical equipment. Provided training to personnel in equipment and personnel decontamination, provide training in the wearing of chemical protective clothing MOPP 05/2001 to 08/2003 Level 1through MOPP level 4, perform and provide instruction and training in preventive maintenance on the chemical equipment, maintenance, prepared the paperwork on maintenance performed on the equipment. meet with the company maintenance supervisor to discuss the status of the chemical equipment. Use computers for various applications, such as database management or word processing. License and trained personnel to use chemical detection equipment, power generators, smoke generators. Ran the company driver licensing training program and license personnel to operate the company wheel vehicles and other power equipment. Additional Duties Training NonCommission Officer Serves as training NCO/Manger for the battalion and five subordinate companies. professional development efforts, serves as training instructor for professional development courses, serves as a subject matter expert in professional development for soldiers, Develop, organize. conduct and evaluate training programs, Direct Structured learning experience, Hold meeting and presentations on learning material, Evaluate training effectiveness, Modify training programs, Maintains all training support materials; prepares materials for advising the unit commander on military education requirements and forwards applications for army service schools; contact army service school for space and seating for personnel, provides the information required for the unit status report to the commander; attends all unit training meetings; develops and publishes unit training calendar and schedules; forecasts and secures training resources to include training sites; develops and maintains all training records; operates ATRRS and other training systems; maintains positive control of over $200.000 worth of equipment.
Jun 1995 - Jul 1996
Battalion Maintenance (NCO)

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Oct 2001 - Sep 2002

Supervisor Developement Course (SDC)

Jul 2001 - Aug 2001

Intern Leadership Development Course (DOA)

Aug 1998 - Sep 1998

Nuclear Biology Chemical Operation ANCOC

May 1994 - Jun 1994

USAF Senor NCO Academy Associate Program

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Sep 2001

Manager Development Course (MDC)

Sep 2000

SINCGARS Assisiant Instructor Course

May 1996

Automative Engine Maintenance And Repair

Dec 1994 - Jan 1995

Hazardous Waste Course Ph-I and Ph-II (Fort Lewis)


Jul 1995

Basics Instructor Training

Jun 1994

Journeyman Heavy Truck Mechanic License

Oct 1992

400 (3L80) Automatic Transmission (Ford Motor Company)

Sep 1992

6.5L Turbocharged Diesel Engine (Ford Motor Company

Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1998 - 1999

Harrington University

Master's Degree, Human Resources

1985 - 1989

Harrington University

Bachelors Degree, Minor in Psychology
