SFC Larry Craudell

SFC Larry Craudell

Dates of Service: no date specified
15% Complete
0 Endorsements
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 85
233,948 out of 864,948 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG
  • SFC

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Military Experiences

Aug 2007 - May 2016
Platoon Sergeant
Platoon Sergeant for 3/5 platoon. Was Readiness NCO for 9 years for the company handling all logistics and training needs for the company. Served as Company UMO and Battalion UMO for 7 years. Company Safety NCO for 9 years. Direct representative of the company commander and 1SG
Jun 2003 - Jul 2007
Section Sergeant
Was Section Sergeant for 2nd platoon in charge of general construction equipment section. Served as company training NCO handling all orders, travel and training requirements for 190 company Soldiers to include utilization of arts and dtms input and reports