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Influence Score: 400
94,567 out of 867,294 Veterans
94,567 out of 867,294 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I'm 72... I am proud I served grateful I survived and probably know more about life than anyone around me because all the death I saw.... My experiences in Viet Nam were some of the most thrilling, terrifying and grieving time phases in my life. I carry those mind warped excursions daily. I served with the best and the worst of men....we were 18,19,20 with an open license to search and destroy.
Military Experiences
Jan 1967 - Aug 1968
Door Gunner Huey H1B/ Grunt 11B2P
Levied to 9th as a Pathfinder from 82Abn Ft Bragg to Ft Riley just prior to entire division shipping to RSVN Oct 1966. Arrived needed volunteer to fly DG on Gunships...my hand shot high. Deployed with entire div to Oakland then via USNS to Vung Tau departing Oakland early Dec 28 day crossing. Arrived Vung Tau late Dec. 66 transported to Bear Cat via Duce1/2's.. Bearcat huge square punched out of the jungle... Flew C&C DG for General Eckhardt ship until bored circling at 1200 ft over Delta. Asked the General to transfer to Gunships he approved..most thrilling time of my life... Took R&R 6 mos in upon return 101st being hit hard up north.. my MOS was 11B...not 67N20... So up to Phan Rang then to the ground and humping and OMG... the real deal for 12 more months... Ricky Boy
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
1977 - 1982
University of Alaska System University of San Francisco
Bachelors Degree/ Law School, Government