Recent Activity -
Motorcyclist & Adventure rider, reader of history, science, technology, & science fiction/fantasy, husband, GSD-owner, non-native California resident, Conservative, Constitutionalist, former Cub/Boy Scout/Explorer, Active Army from 1976-1986, Army Reserve from 2005-2015, lapsed Presbyterian. Student at CSUEB finishing BS in BusAdmin, Operations & Supply Chain Management option. Ham KK6YGH, & CERT.
Military Experiences
Jul 1977 - Nov 1977
AIT Student
Logistics has always been good to & for me. From camping w/family to HS, I was always a loggie in training. At Ft Lee, I excelled at every module, top of the class, and learned to be a school-trained armorer with the M1911A1, the M16A1, the M60, the M203, and the M2. The school armorer, a dead-lookalike to James Garner, also had some M14s, but didn't let me touch them because "I'd never find them in the Army these days." He was wrong... Two weeks before graduation, two NCOs came down from Ft Myer, VA looking for two excellent students and I was one of the two selected for The Old Guard, 3d US Infantry. I could have gone to Germany and been close to my father's family in Denmark, but DC was a more interesting assignment.
Mar 1977 - Jul 1977
AIT Student
Part-time student. The less said, the better. Horny-time in mixed barracks. That is all. Reclassed to 76Y and shipped to Ft Lee.
(10 months)Sep 2010 - Jun 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
USARC G-4/8 RRAV liaison to all USAR deployed components.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information