![Dennis McKenna CPT Dennis McKenna](https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/profiles/photos/1537544/medium/2e9df27b.jpg)
81% Complete
0 Endorsements
8 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,023
36,621 out of 867,689 Veterans
36,621 out of 867,689 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jul 2012 - Oct 2014
Red Team
Considered information from multiple sources to help the staff view the operational environment from a number of perspectives and account for how adversaries, coalition partners, and others view the same environment. Developed procedures for coordinating available intelligence collection assets to maximize information available. Developed division procedures for tracking battle damage.
Jun 2011 - Jun 2012
Assistant Brigade Intelligence Officer (S2)
Led security and intelligence training programs for U.S. Army logistics organization responsible for sustaining operations in parts of the U.S., Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Developed standard physical, information, and personnel security procedures; saved over 1,000 hours, allowing intelligence team to focus on combat logistics. Created and communicated information security training program and enforced procedures, reducing the number of security incidents by half over one year.
Feb 2010 - Dec 2010
Battalion Intelligence (S2)
Planned and executed relocation of intelligence shop to new duty station. Established and supervised implementation of all security procedures for new headquarters, including certification and operation of six secure storage facilities. Led unit training on Army Hybrid Treat Doctrine.
Apr 2009 - Feb 2010
Executive Officer
Executive Officer for a U.S. Army intelligence company. Planned and supervised the maintenance of 26 military vehicles and $30 million of unique and sensitive intelligence equipment, resulting in a 98 percent readiness rate for intelligence systems essential to combat operations in Iraq. Designed an inventory process to track over 350 major pieces of equipment in operation and in transit throughout Iraq, Europe, and the U.S. with no losses. Led the redeployment and reset of all associated equipment.
(1 year, 1 month)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information