SGM Omer Dalton

SGM Omer Dalton

Dates of Service: Jul 1960 - Aug 1982
65% Complete
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 7,638
7,234 out of 868,098 Veterans
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  • PV2
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Recent Activity  -


Retired from the Army after 22 years and entered civil service for another 22 years. Retired as a GS14 Branch Chief, developing and maintaining the Army's Field personnel automation and records systems.

Military Experiences

Sep 1971 - Sep 1975
Exchange Officer
Provided support for US Army officers assigned for duty or training with the Canadian Forces. Maintain TDY budget for said officers. Worked with Canadian Force officials to ensure training and duty assignment were updated and reporting requirements were maintained.
Sep 1969 - Sep 1971
NCOIC Distribution Branch
Processed personnel requisitions from CONARC units; process surplus reporting and associated reassignments; processed reassignment requests between CONARC duty stations; processed diversions of personnel in route from overseas to CONARC units (this was a heavy workload during the Vietnam conflict. Constant changing of manning demands and reallocation of surplus returnees). Maintained enlisted personnel allocations for HQ CONARC.
Sep 1968 - Sep 1969
Traveling Personnel Assistance team. Visited battalion and divisional units all over South Vietnam evaluating personnel and unit administration.
Sep 1967 - Aug 1968
NCOIC Personnel Actions
Supervised military and civilian personnel processing military personnel actions received from Army commands within the United States. Included military school applications, assignment to special units, requests for reassignment, and overseas volunteers.


(9 years, 3 months)
Aug 1971 - Aug 1975
Worked with Canadian forces in support of Army Personnel assigned to and training with the Canadian Forces.
Aug 1967 - Aug 1969
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Traveling Personnel Assistance Team. Saw most of South Vietnam. Never spent more than 5 days at any battalion/division level unit. Very little time spent time spent at home location.
May 1964 - May 1967
NCOIC, Adjutant General Mail and Distribution Center. Included unclassified and sensitive documents storage/handling and classified printing unit.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Personnel Officer Management Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Aug 1973 - Dec 1973

Senior Administration Specialist (correspondence)

May 1972 - Dec 1972

Senior Personnel Administration Specialist (correspondence)

Senior ADP Specialist (correspondence)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1977 - 1979

Central Michigan University

Master's Degree, Human Resources and Administration

1975 - 1976

William Carey University

Bachelors Degree, Business Administration/Economics

1973 - 1975

Army exchange Program Canada

Associate Degree, Employee Relations/Administration

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter