90% Complete
7 Contacts
Influence Score: 37,777
88 out of 215,339 Civilians
About Discussions

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Born and raised Navy Brat. Wound up in New Orleans and went native. Returned 2 weeks after Hurricane Katrina to quit a pizza job, and help with the Rebuild. Subsequently learned Disaster Clean-up, Renovations, and General Construction in the process. I like drinking and laughing my ass off. More attracted to harder jobs and bullshit free zones. I also have a cat named Chewbacca.

International Experience

(4 years)
1988 - 1992
---BSA Troop 38, Aloha Council Dededo, Guam =2nd Class = Assistant Patrol Leader. = Chaplain's Aide -Wilderness Survival -Jungle Scouting -Spelunking -Paper and Dice RPG (2nd Edition AD&D RPG, Official Star Wars RPG) -Swimming, Reefwalking, Snorkeling -Boonie and Hill Stomping -Volunteer Work



LSUAgCenter Louisiana Master Gardener

Foreign Language Skills

Latino Spanish (0+/1+)

American English (5/5)

Additional Role(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired


Academic Degrees

John Ehret High School


LSU AGCenter Master Gardener's Program

Job/Skill Training, Botany, Horticulture, Entymology, Earth Sciences, Disease Prevention and Management, Troubleshooting
