80% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,308
29,618 out of 868,092 Veterans
29,618 out of 868,092 Veterans
Recent Activity -
During Marine Corps career (23+ years, Active/Reserve), deployed/tours; Japan, Europe, South America, Iraq/Persian Gulf. Billets incl; Infantry Plt Cmdr, MSG Officer, Company Cmdr, Logistics Officer (S-4), Public Affairs Officer (PAO), and Peacetime/Wartime Support Team (PWST) OIC. Since retiring, now Principal of The Gillette Group, a Financial Literacy education and Entrepreneurship program.
Military Experiences
Dec 2009 - Dec 2010
I&I Staff Officer
Worked with the Naval Operations Support Center's (NOSC) Active Duty Inspector and Instructor Staff to provide Readiness Training, Administrative Support, and implement Community Outreach programs (particularly the annual Toys for Tots Campaign) for the Marine Reserve Units assigned to the Station, and their associated Satellite organizations.
Dec 2007 - Mar 2009
Command Protocol Officer
Planned, coordinated, and implemented the national, and international news media coverage of deployed Marine and Naval forces. Wrote news releases and articles, conducted press briefings and interviews, and supervised a team of military photojournalists (Combat Correspondents). As Protocol Officer for the Commanding General of I MEF (FWD)/Multi-National Forces-West (MNF-W) during Operation Iraq Freedom (OIF) 2008, coordinated and orchestrated over 150 visits/trips by high level U.S. and Foreign Government Dignitaries, Military Leaders and Delegations, as well as dozens of high-profile events (i.e. Memorial Services, Change of Command, Turnover of Authority Ceremonies, etc.)
Sep 2001 - Aug 2002
Officer in Charge, P/WST
Continuing my service in the Marine reserves, I was assigned as the Peacetime/Wartime Support Team (PWST) OIC for the 4th Bn, 14th Marines (Artillery), located in Bessemer, AL. In this billet, my primary responsibilities were virtually the same as with my previous assignment with HMM-774; Develop and Maintain the Unit’s Family Readiness Program, Conduct annual Mustering and Processing of members of the IRR (geo-assigned to the unit), Conduct and Coordinate the Community Outreach and Media Relations program for the Unit, Assist with the local Recruiting Program and conduct Casualty Outcalls.
Oct 1996 - Sep 2000
After serving five years in the Marine reserves, I was trained and then designated as the Peacetime/Wartime Support Team (PWST) OIC for Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron, HMM-774, MAG-42 (now MAG-49) (Det B), based at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk, VA. In this billet the primary responsibilities were; Develop and Maintain the Unit’s Family Readiness Program, Conduct annual Mustering and Processing of members of the IRR (geo-assigned to the unit), Conduct and Coordinate the Community Outreach and Media Relations program for the Unit, Assist with the local Recruiting Program and conduct Casualty Outcalls.
(1 year, 10 months)Dec 2007 - Jan 2009

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
As Protocol Officer for the Commanding General of Multi-National Forces-West (MNF-W) during Operation Iraq Freedom (OIF) 2008, orchestrated over 150 visits/trips by high level U.S. and Foreign Dignitaries, Military Leaders and Delegations, as well as dozens of high-profile events (i.e. Memorial Services, Change of Command Ceremonies, etc.)
Jun 1991 - Jul 1991
Operation Sea Angel
Served as Public Affairs Officer for a Marine brigade's participation with the international Relief Effort in Bangladesh (designated: Operation Sea Angel). Facilitated National and International news media coverage, drafted news releases and stories, conducted press briefings and interviews, and supervised a six-man team of Combat Correspondents.
Dec 1990 - May 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Served as Public Affairs Officer for Marine brigade's six month deployment for Operations Desert Shield/Storm, and later participation with the international relief effort in Bangladesh. Facilitated National/International news media coverage, drafted news releases/stories, conducted press briefings, and supervised team of Combat Correspondents.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1992 - Nov 1994
Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School (MCI Correspondence)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jun 1979 - Aug 1979
Infantry Officer Course
Mar 1984
Team Embarkation Officer/Assistant Course (LFTC-4409)
Mar 1982
California Community College Limited Service Credential
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees