Sgt William Bates

Sgt William Bates

Dates of Service: Dec 1989 - Oct 1996
62% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 433
87,330 out of 864,904 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt Jan 91
  • PFC Apr 91
  • LCpl Dec 91
  • Cpl Aug 92
  • Sgt Jul 95

Recent Activity  -


(6 years, 7 months)
Sep 1992 - Oct 1996
Dallas NAS
HqBtry 14th Marines, 4th Mar Div, Artillery Electronics Maintenance Shop
Jan 1992
29 Palms, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
Schools Bn MCCES, TAD
Jan 1992 - Sep 1992
Fort Sill, OK
USMC Artillery Detachment, United States Army Field Artillery Schools, 0842 Field Artillery Radar Operator, 2887 Artillery Electronics Technician
May 1991 - Jan 1992
Dallas NAS
HqBtry 14th Marines, 4th Mar Div, Artillery Electronics Maintenance Shop