SFC Michael Chacker

SFC Michael Chacker

Dates of Service: no date specified
14% Complete
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Influence Score: 30
331,092 out of 866,668 Veterans
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Military Experiences

Oct 1983 - Nov 1986
68th CHEM
Operations NCO
Assigned as 1st PLT, 1st SQD LDR in charge of my decontamination team compose of 6 team member and me each squad in the platoon support a Brigade from the 1st Cav Div in there decontamination exercises to include running the chemical and vehicle chambers
Aug 1981 - Aug 1983
Company Chemical NCO
Company Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NCO in charge that all NBC in the company was executed the correct way in addition had to maintain all the company NBC equipment 100% combat efficient and consulting the company commander the best plan of tactical execution during an NBC attack
Apr 1979 - Aug 1981
Company chemical, Biological and Nuclear SPC
While assigned to the 46th chemical company we trained most of the Division in the of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear decontamination and training execution in addition to our regular mission we supported Camp Red Devil in their own decontamination process
Jul 1975 - Mar 1978
Team Member
Assign to 3rd PLT 1st squad 2nd fire team 90mm gunner and during my duty time with the company I move to M60 gunner, M203 gunner finally to Automatic Rifled Men also got to the rank of Corporal in charge of my own fire team