80% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,309
29,571 out of 867,939 Veterans
29,571 out of 867,939 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Found my home in Minnesota. Live on a lake and work for the VA. I fish every chance I get. Raised both my kids by myself since 2007. I have a banging girlfriend that loves how I live. I love simple. I have my dog, my cat, my land and my camper. Love the cold and hate people outside of my friends, family, girlfriend and Brothers and Sisters in arms. Veterans mean more to me then anyone.
Military Experiences
Oct 1998 - Nov 1999
Admirals Cook
Not a fan of this ship. CMC had his head up the CO's ass so far, every word he spoke smelt like shit. Worst command I served under. Great reason to make the mistake of not re-enlisting.
Oct 1996 - Oct 1998
Jack of the Dust
Had a good time down there. Lots of drinking got me through. Was happy to leave
Aug 1995 - Aug 1996
Wardroom Cook
Best ship in the Navy. Shellback, January 1996. Plank owner. She is now the largest ship in the Bahrain Navy. Best crew with one of the worst CO's in the Navy. Many memories made.
Feb 1993 - Aug 1995
Jack of the Dust
Hidden gem of a duty station. Best Chief I had in the Navy, MSCM Olson, taught me more then any other. Played pro soccer while I was stationed up there. Loved the people. Iceland's beauty and landscape is like no other place. Shame we closed the base down. Another genius move by our moronic idiots in DC.
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Started in 2017
Southern New Hampshire University
Environmental Sciences, Environment & Natural Resources
Personal Information