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Military Experiences
Nov 1974 - Aug 1985
Battalion Motor Sergeant
Track Vehicle Mech/Wheel Venicle Mech/Small Engine Mech... M60 Tank Systems Mech/ Company Mech/Company Motor Sgt/Bn Motor Sgt/Vehicle Inspector/A.G.I. Inspector/MOS Tester/Riot Control NCOIC/MOS Trainer
(4 years, 3 months)Nov 1979 - Jul 1983
3rd Bn 3th Armor, 1st Armor Division
Tank Systems Mech
Oct 1975 - Mar 1976
I went on Brigade 75 which the 1st Cav was sending battalions over for 6 months at a time. I was the 1st group that went and the 3rd group that went. On top of the rock. It was a post that was built on a mountain top. Everywhere you went was up hill or down hill except in the buildings.