CPT Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T) Team Chief

CPT (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
85% Complete
2 Endorsements
99 Contacts
Influence Score: 15,936
150 out of 25,568 O-3s
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  • PV2
  • PFC Jun 02
  • SPC Jan 04
  • CPL
  • SGT Feb 05
  • 2LT May 10
  • 1LT Nov 11
  • CPT May 14
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 2010


I began my career as an 11B and was selected to The Old Guard (Honor Guard), 3rd Inf Reg, where I later became a Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and earned Tomb Guard identification badge #522. I went green-to-gold to the University of Missouri and commissioned as an Aviation officer. After an injury in flight school, I medically re-classed to Military Police. I believe everything happens for a reason, and couldn’t be happier to be in the MP Corps. After attending my second BOLC, I reported to Fort Riley and linked up with the 287 MP Co who was already deployed to Afghanistan. I immediately took a platoon embedded at a Police Sub-Station. We later transitioned the PLT to 3 separate SFATs. Shortly after redeploying, I was selected to be the ADC to BG Spindler, Commandant of the MP School and Chief of the MP Corps Regiment. I’ll be attending the MPCCC in July and currently still undecided on a future duty assignment.