SSgt Terry Jenkins

SSgt Terry Jenkins

Dates of Service: Apr 1992 - May 1999
100% Complete
134 Contacts
Influence Score: 98,600
859 out of 866,659 Veterans
About Discussions


  • AB Apr 93
  • Amn Sep 93
  • A1C Mar 94
  • SrA Dec 96
  • SSgt Aug 98

Recent Activity  -


Over the past 20 years, Terry progressed from entry-level engineering positions to senior executive roles within several Fortune 50 companies. He hired his two USN Veteran sons through a joint venture. They made the decision to re-structure ETAC and separate from the joint venture. ETAC is now both a Veteran Owned and Family Owned business.

Military Experiences

Sep 1996 - May 1999
Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC)
Held numerous roles and responsibilities, including BDE ALO, supervised 4 Airmen, acted as range officer and OPFOR, unit training officer. Ran 100’s of live Close Air Suppory. (CAS) missions, controlled A10, F15,16,18 fighters, B1,2,52 Bombers. Coordinated joint CSaR missions. Constant training with Ft. Polk Army units 2nd ACR with specific duties as 3 Squardron ‘Wolfpack” ALO as well as rotating units participating in JRTC. Maintained high proficiency with Army battlefield operations and advised unite commanders on use of CAS to change enemy strategy. Led team to Bosnia during Operation Joint Endavor.
Sep 1992 - Sep 1996
Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC)
Member of the 4th ASOS in support of the Army 3rd ID. Provided Close Air Support operations for both Headquarters as well as Armored and Air CAV units. Regularly brief 2 stars on recommended use of USAF Air Support. Competed is several Europe wide competitions and earned Airman of the Year for all of USAFE, was promoted early and received special recognition from both US Army and US Air Force for exceptional service during training mission preparing for US Operations in Bosnia. Conducted multitudes of missions with Special Opetations units in Vicenza Italy as well as international special operation forces from Germany and UK.


(4 months)
Jan 1999 - Apr 1999
Operation Joint Endeavor
Supported Army 2ND ACR in an extended rotation. Conducted numerous mission across Bosnia in support of both US Army operations as well as several “special” missions with international Special Ops units from Dutch and Netherlands, British, etc. tested new CAS techniques and equipment and conducted numerous overwatch missions during rapid response.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Sep 1998 - Oct 1998

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees