SSgt Matthew Lee

SSgt Matthew Lee

Dates of Service: Jun 1985 - Dec 2011
73% Complete
73 Contacts
Influence Score: 7,050
7,693 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PV2 Jun 85
  • PFC Sep 85
  • SPC Apr 88
  • PFC Apr 96
  • LCpl Jul 96
  • Cpl Jul 97
  • Sgt
  • SSgt Mar 02

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Dec 2010 - Dec 2011
Substance Abuse Control Officer (SACO)
­Opened, update, and coordinate aftercare for 45 personnel in the Substance Abuse Program depending on their needs and required by Navy and Marine Corps orders.
­Planed, coordinated and prepared monthly urinalysis tests for 498 personnel in Weapons and field Training Battalion. Worked closely with the Commanding Officer to provide an intensive Substance Abuse Program. Reduced the number of positive samples 95% by educating the personnel and the Medical Officers on preventative practices that could be used with prescription medications. Used the Marine Corps Drug Testing Program to track the trends of positive samples to isolate where the drug training needed to be focused. Created a database to for alcohol and drug incidents to track and show trends within the command.
Jul 2009 - Dec 2010
Platoon Sergeant, SACO
­Supervised 55 Marines within the Platoon who taught over 12,000 Marine Recruits rifle marksmanship. Functioned as the Range Officer in Charge in the absence of the Range Officer for 30 Recruit ranges and 4 sustainment ranges. Ensured annual training of Marines assigned to the range was completed on time by using a database to track their training. Scheduled and tracked formal schools for range personnel by using the same database used to track their annual training. Incorporated the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer into our ranges weekly training for the troubled shooters which reduced the number of unqualified shooters by 50% and increased our overall qualifying score by 12%.
Dec 2008 - Jul 2009
Tool Control Program Manager
­Supervised the Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron-12 Tool Room. Accounted for over 25000 tools in the Tool Room Inventory. Managed the Tool Control Program for the Squadron with an inventory of over 300000 tools. Inspected all the work centers Tool Programs to ensure compliance with the orders. Took the Tool Program from Non-Mission Ready to On-Track in 3 months for the Commanding Generals Inspection
Jul 2006 - Dec 2008
Security Manager/Force Protection Anti-Terrorism Officer
­Processed over 750 Security Clearances working closely with Office of Personnel Management, ­Processed over 450 Force protection packages. ­ Wrote Threat Briefs for 32 foreign countries and briefed them to units and personnel deploying and taking leave to those countries. Managed a Classified Material Inventory with over 5000 pieces of classified items. Was a member of the base Force Protection Threat Working Group that Received Runner-up for the Department of Defense’s Best Force Protection Program Award for 2007. Managed the physical security and controlled access for 5 secure locations and to the flight line under our control.


(1 year, 2 months)
May 2008 - Nov 2008
Iraq ribbon
Mar 2004 - Sep 2004
Iraq ribbon

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Mar 2007 - Jun 2007

Marine Corps Staff Non-Commissioned Officer Career Course


Mar 2007

Naval Security Managers Course

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2013 - 2015

1987 - 1988

Personal Information

And my kidsAuto mechanics and body workFree vector hammer clip art 115971 hammer clip art medium CarpentryElectronics logo Electronics5ab7caaa Motorcycles


Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter