SGT John Lawrence

SGT John Lawrence

Dates of Service: Jul 1971 - Apr 1977
66% Complete
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,286
11,048 out of 866,660 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Jul 71
  • PV2 Sep 71
  • PFC Dec 71
  • SPC Apr 72
  • SGT Jun 73

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Apr 1977
Exited the Army
April 18, 1977 I exited the Army for civilian life and to this day I do regret leaving but life goes on.
Dec 1975 - Apr 1977
S1 Personnel NCOIC
I worked under the Adjutant of Kimbrough Army Hospital as S-1 NCO and the first job was to bring the hospital up to par with all military regulations, during that time I was detailed to help deactivate the Red Cross Offices at the hospital and all of the inventory that they had as the Red Cross was drawing down on size due to the end of the Vietnam War. I was in charge of forms, forms reproduction, along with setting up and forms room with staff. And having fun with CSM Rose, a jewel of a guy that was a great Christian.
Oct 1975 - Dec 1975
MP/Personnel Sgt
Worked at Bn Hqs in the Personnel office.
Dec 1971 - Oct 1975
MP/Personnel Office
The first thing I was asked the day I processed in to the unit was: Do you know how to type? Not knowing I said of course doesn't everyone! Wrong answer, so I was assigned to Bn Personnel under a E-7 by the name of Mario Zamor. What a fantastic person he turned out to be and a close friend. So I worked in Personnel during the day time and then at night and weekends we would have to pull MP duty usually on bomb detail or protest marches against the Vietnam war.


(3 years, 5 months)
Dec 1971 - Apr 1975
Trained and worked as a 95B and also worked in my secondary MOS 75C40 at HHD 793d MP BN.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 1974 - Jul 1974

NCO Academy Bad Tolz, W Germany

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1992 - 1993
