SFC Platoon Sergeant

SFC (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
82% Complete
4 Endorsements
27 Contacts
Influence Score: 8,986
624 out of 51,364 E-7s
About Discussions


  • PVT Jun 98
  • PV2 Jun 98
  • PFC Jun 98
  • SPC Apr 00
  • SGT Oct 01
  • SSG Jul 05
  • SFC Jan 09


I am from a small town in southwestern Virginia. I took five semesters of JROTC in high school which allowed me to join the Army as a PFC. In July 1997 I enlisted in the Delayed Entry Program and after graduation in June 1998 attended One Station/Unit Training at Fort Benning, GA until September 1998. Upon graduation, I was assigned to C Co, 1/24th Infantry, 25th ID at Fort Lewis, WA. I was assigned to C Co from October 1998 until April 2003. I held the position of Rifleman, Grenadier, M249 Gunner, Team Leader, Commander’s RTO and Driver, Company Armorer, Communications Chief and NBC NCO. I deployed to Fort Sherman, Panama for the Jungle Operations Training Course; Camp Rialea, OR; Yakima Training Center, WA and The National Training Center, Fort Irwin, CA multiple times. While at Fort Lewis I attended the Unit Armorer Course, Driver’s Training, the Hazardous Material Handler’s Course, Basic RTO training, the Combat Lifesaver Course and the Primary Leadership Development Course (now WLC). In 2002 I reenlisted to attend the Military Police Reclassification Course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. While attending the course I was awarded the course Leadership Award by the Commandant of the Military Police School. Shortly after becoming a member of the Military Police Corps, I was assigned to the 57th Military Police Company, 728th Military Police Battalion, Camp Carroll, ROK. While in Korea, I participated in the 50th Anniversary of the Korean Armistice and received a Joint Service Achievement Medal. I was also recommended, by my 1SG, to attend the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club Selection Board and was selected and inducted as a member of the SAMC in October 2003. While at Camp Carroll, I held the position of Team Leader, Squad Leader, Armsroom NCOIC and Rear Battle/Assistant Operations NCO until March 2006. I then received orders to Fort Benning, Ga with the Basic Noncommissioned Officer’s Course enroute. When I arrived at Fort Benning I was assigned to the 209th Military Police Detachment AWOL Apprehension Section and the Columbus Downtown Courtesy Patrol and shortly thereafter, as the Special Reaction Team NCOIC as an additional duty. In March 2007, I was reassigned to the Military Police Investigations Section and I attended the Military Police Investigator’s Course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. While in the MPI Section, I was the Drug Suppression Team Leader and then the Juvenile Crimes Team Chief. In December 2007, I was DA selected to attend the U. S. Army Recruiter’s Course in February 2008. As a Recruiter I was assigned to the Manchester Recruiting Station, New Hampshire Recruiting Company, New England Recruiting Battalion, 1st Recruiting Brigade from May 2008 until April 2011. As a Recruiter I lead 45 young men and women to enlist in the U.S. Army. I earned every level of recruiting award up to and including the Gold Recruiter Ring. As an additional duty, I was assigned as the Assistant Station Commander and supervised, trained and mentored two other Sergeants First Class, three Staff Sergeants, and one Sergeant, as well as running an Extension Station in another town. In 2009 I attended the Senior Leader’s Course, where I was selected to compete in the Leadership Board and graduated on the Commandant’s List. Also while assigned to the Manchester Recruiting Station I was selected as the New England Recruiting Battalion’s New Recruiter of the Year for FY 08 and the New England Recruiting Battalion’s NCO of the Year for FY 08. In April 2011, I received orders to the 42D Military Police Brigade at JBLM, WA. Upon arrival to the Brigade in June 2011, I was assigned as a Law and Order NCO in the S3 Current Operations Section in preparation for the Brigade’s deployment to Afghanistan. While assigned as the Law and Order NCO, I received, research, resourced, tracked and wrote operations orders and fragmentary orders for the Brigade. I was also assigned as the Platoon Sergeant for the S3 Section, S5 Section, Staff Judge Advocate Section, the Equal Opportunity Advisor, and the Inspector General. Before our deployment to Afghanistan, I attended the Battle Staff NCO Course and graduated with a GPA of 97.6 %. While deployed with the brigade I worked as the Day Battle NCO in the Brigade TOC, overseeing a brigade sized task force comprised of a battalion sized U.S. Navy element, two U.S. Army National Guard battalions and one separate company. The brigade was responsible for providing safe, humane and legal care custody and control of as many as 3,500 detainees in the Detention Facility in Parwan on Bagram Airfield. After redeployment, I was assigned to the 66th Military Police Company, 504th Military Police Battalion as the platoon sergeant for 2nd platoon. I am currently deployed to Guatanamo Bay, Cuba and in addition to duties as a platoon sergeant, I am the Sergeant of the Guard for the External Security Force protecting the Expeditionary Legal Complex during Military Commissions of High Value Detainees. I am also over half way done with a BS in Criminal Justice with Post University of Waterbury, CT. Among my awards and decorations are the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC), Joint Services Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (3 OLC), Army Good Conduct Medal (5 Knots), National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Ribbon (1 Bronze Campaign Star), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (NUM 3), Army Service Ribbon, Army Overseas Service Ribbon (NUM 2), NATO Medal, Silver Recruiter Badge with three gold stars, Gold Recruiter Badge with three sapphire stars and the Gold Recruiter Ring. I met my wife Alexandria, who ETSed from active duty in December 2007, from the Army Reserve in December 2010 and is currently a full time student, while assigned to Fort Lewis in 1999. My short term goals are to complete my Criminal Justice Degree and to attain the rank of Master Sergeant. My long term goal is to be a Command Sergeant Major, become a high school JROTC instructor and complete a degree in history.