58% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 741
50,225 out of 868,075 Veterans
50,225 out of 868,075 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
(4 years, 1 month)Oct 2014 - Apr 2015

Worked with and supported Logistics Managers in overseeing $20 million in equipment and fuels that was shipped around the middle east in support of a wide range of missions. I was responsible for coordinating the delivery of 4 million gallons of Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) fuels for three military branches.
Dec 2012 - Sep 2013

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
I served as the Platoon Sergeant for a petroleum supply platoon. I supervised 36 service members, ensuring they where following all safety procedures. I managed the transportation, distribution and storage of 100,000 gallons of Petroleum fuels. I was responsible for the retrograde of over 250,000 pounds worth over $3,000,000 with zero loss.
Sep 2010 - Feb 2011
I supervised 12 service members in testing, receiving, and shipping of aviation fuels. I was responsible for mantaining the quality surveillance of over 200,000 gallons aviation fuels. I managed the successful set up and operation of over 25 Forward Arming and Refueling Points (FARP).
Jul 2008 - Jul 2009

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I served as a aircraft crewman for UH60 Blackhawks. I supervised 10 service members, ensuring they where trainned and current on their assinged weapon systems, the M16A2 rifle, M249 SAW, M2 .50. While serving as a aircraft crewman I received the Army Air medal for flying 300 plus hours accident free.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
The National Petroleum Management Association
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees