85% Complete
0 Endorsements
14 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,371
28,552 out of 868,041 Veterans
28,552 out of 868,041 Veterans
Jan 84
Mar 85
May 86
May 89
Mar 92
Jun 94
Jan 01
Nov 06
Commissioning Source:
ROTC, May 1989
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Aug 2007 - Jul 2009
Executive Officer
As a recalled retiree, served as the Executive Officer and Assistant Professor of Military Science for a military science program of 11 staff and 68 cadets at two universities. Responsible for all administrative and logistical actions as well as all personnel actions and budget. Developed and executed instructional plans for military leadership, tactics and ethics. Assisted in developing and administering physical training for cadets. Responsible for the planning and executing of leadership labs and field exercises to prepare cadets for commissioning.
Jun 2004 - Aug 2007
Project Director, Urban Ops Training Systems
Served as Project Director for Urban Operations Training Systems responsible for the design, procurement and fielding of deployable and non-deployable; live fire, and non-live fire urban operations training systems for US forces worldwide valued in excess of $130 million. Responsible for cost, schedule, and performance of the fielding of 25 systems and the planning for 22 additional systems. Deployed in support of 1st Cavalry Division and 3rd Infantry Division to personally supervise the deployment and set up of live fire training systems within Iraq. Selected to lead a $4.2 million research project on increasing the realism of urban operations training within the Army.
Aug 2003 - Jun 2004
Group Leader, Technology Assessment Group
Group Leader for the Technology Assessment Group in the Technology Integration Center of US Army Information Systems Engineering Command. Supervised and led three teams of 42 senior level government engineers, officers and contractors responsible for technical and engineering evaluations of data networking and information assurance products that drive the Army infostructure. Responsible fo group assignments and professional development of group members. Responsible for cost, schedule and performance for all projects assigned to the group. Maintained and controlled an annual budget in excess of $7 million.
Jun 2002 - Aug 2003
Brigade Operations Officer (S3)
Operations Officer for the US Army Information Systems Engineering Command. Directed worldwide operations of a 1500+ military, civilian, and contract personnel workforce executing over $150 million in support of 98+ Program/Product Managers, MACOMs, and Combatant Commanders. Supported the command mission of providing secure, worldwide information systems engineering, integration, evaluation, and installation for strategic C2 centers, sustaining bases "infostructures" and transmission systems infrastructure down to theater/tactical environments. Directly supported the Army's effort to digitize installations and C2 centers materially contributing to Army Transformation. Provided oversight of plans, operations, training, security, business development, recruitment, force protection, and tasks
(1 year, 8 months)Dec 2004 - Jun 2005

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Attached to G3, 1st Cavalry Division and then G3, 3rd Infantry Division to erect live fire shoothouse training systems in Iraq to support US and Iraqi units.
Oct 1998 - Apr 1999

Operation Joint Forge
Served as a Project Officer within EUCOM J6 with duty alternating between Patch Barracks, Germany and various locations in Bosnia in support of OJF.
Oct 1993 - Mar 1994

Operation Provide Promise
Served as J6 for Joint Task Force Provide Promise (Fwd) in Zagreb, Croatia as part of United Nations Peacekeeping Forces for Former Yugoslavia. Responsible for all US communications assets located in Former Yugoslavia.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Dec 1994 - May 1995
Information Systems Staff Officer's Course (ISSOC)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information