85% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 997
37,612 out of 868,038 Veterans
37,612 out of 868,038 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Combat Veteran with 11 years of military service between the Navy, Marine Corps and Army. A naturopathic healer, spiritual teacher with The New Sun Foundation and The Creators Gift. Currently working on a mission to help veterans and civilians with PTS and mental illness.
Military Experiences
Nov 2004 - Dec 2007
Navy Corpsman
ICU Corpsman and later as a Clinic Staff at Naval Clinic 32ND St. Provided medical care to service members and their families alongside Nurses and Doctors.
Sep 2001 - Nov 2004
Company Corpsman
Served as Battalion Dental Liaison, Supply Petty Officer and Senior Battery Corpsman. Provided medical care to Marines and Sailors on and off the battlefield. Provided medical training to Marines and other Corpsmen. Qualified as a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman. Subject of 3 meritorious masts, one promotion and recipient of 11 ribbons and awards.
(3 years, 8 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills
Personal Information