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I am a published Author has experience in wring various genres of Literary art. I am a college student holding 45+ credit units at the current time. Somewhere a long time ago I served my time in the Military, I believe it was branches of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard somewhere in my lifetime. "I am a go'fer, an over achiever, ambitious, friendly, enthusiastic, talented, writes both literary and songwriting. I am asking for a chance to get back into the Military perspective as a Cilvilian employee.

International Experience

(4 years, 8 months)
Nov 1977 - Jun 1982
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
I believe it was in Afganistan, Yemen, and Fort Dix,NJ bases. I am not very sure about these dates as I may have forgotten the time but, I also remembers the Naval ship.