Recent Activity -
Served 1976 TO 1979 with the 82nd Engineers in Bamberg W. Germany. 1979 to 1981 with 99th ARCOM Engineers. 1981 Joined the US Navy As a Gunners Mate. 81 to 83 on the USS Coontz DDG 40 Participanted in Operation Urgent Fury. 83 to 86 on the USS Preble DDG 46. 1986 on staff with COMNAVBASE Norfolk. 86 to 89 served with Security Detachment Gtmo Bay Cuba. 89 to 91 EOD Tech Center, Indian Head, Md.
Military Experiences
Oct 1976 - Sep 1979
US Army Combat Engineer 76 -82 82nd En Bbq/99th Arcom, US Navy Gunners Mate 82- 91 (USS Coontz DDG 40/USS Preble DDG 46/Security Det Gtmo Bay/NavEODTechCen
(6 years, 8 months)Oct 1989 - Sep 1991
Indian Head, Maryland
Stationed with Naval EOD Tech Center as Security Officer
Sep 1981 - Nov 1981
South America/Grenada
Ops around the Caribbean and South America and then called upon to join the task Force on Operation Urgent Fury.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Apr 1981 - Jun 1981
Naval C School MK 10 systems
Jan 1981 - Apr 1981
Naval Gun School
Feb 1981 - Mar 1981
Basic Electricity and Electronics Great Lakes
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character