76% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,457
9,214 out of 866,805 Veterans
9,214 out of 866,805 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Navy brat born in SFO raised in Eugene OR. ROTC three years, enlisted when financial aid fell apart. Had a great time and worked hard in Germany. Had a great time and did not work enough at Fort Lewis. Hence being discharged at the same rank I enlisted. Spent too many nights watching bands in Seattle and not working.
Military Experiences
1978 - Jan 1980
Squad Leader
Field test and repair TOW and Dragon missile systems. TOW units were either man carry or M113 mounted. Also station level repairs. Led the squad assigned over night repair work. Company supported ALL of II Corps. We had the authority to deadline up to battalion level units for test failure OR missed scheduled inspections.
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
German (0+/0+)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
National Labor College
Personal Information