67% Complete
0 Endorsements
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 621
14,363 out of 87,500 E-6s
14,363 out of 87,500 E-6s
Enlisted USAR Oct 1999
Graduated Basic Oct 2000, AIT DEC 2000 75B(now 42A)
Deployed 2003
PLDC 2005
Enlisted Active Duty DEC 2006
Deployed 2008
Deployed 2010
Reclass to 29E 2012
PCS to Fort HOOD 2012
Graduated Basic Oct 2000, AIT DEC 2000 75B(now 42A)
Deployed 2003
PLDC 2005
Enlisted Active Duty DEC 2006
Deployed 2008
Deployed 2010
Reclass to 29E 2012
PCS to Fort HOOD 2012