SFC Cheri Kelley Miller

SFC Cheri Kelley Miller

Dates of Service: no date specified
62% Complete
0 Endorsements
19 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,567
16,856 out of 864,951 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SA
  • SN Jun 96
  • PO3 Jun 99
  • PO2 Jul 07
  • PFC Jan 10
  • SGT Apr 18
  • SSG Jan 20
  • SFC Jul 24

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Feb 2021 - Jun 2024
493rd MP
Food Service Manager
In charge of the food Service section for a military corrections unit
Jun 2019 - Feb 2021
Food Service NCO
Food Service Manger

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 2023 - Sep 2023

Aug 2019 - Sep 2019

Army Leaders Training Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 2012 - Jul 2012

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say