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I'm a disabled Police Officer /Paramedic. I was offered an academy appointment by my US. Rep. after the Academies started accepting women. Only one waiver was allowed and I couldn't attend. I needed a 2 waivers for age and eyesight. I went through the police academy & Paramedic training. I applied for an Air Force ROTC scholarship in the 1980's, none available for non pilot slots. I attended MSU AFROTC training in 1981 until I couldn't afford college. I went back as a police Officer /paramedic and took my ASVAB and prepared to enlist in the Air Force as an E3 (from my cadet time in USAF Auxiliary).I was not allowed to enlist for medical reasons, bee sting allergy. I have been a member of Civil Air Patrol, the United States Air Force Auxiliary for 43 years and I am currently the Michigan Wing DDR Officer and also used as DDR liason for ANG and Air Force Reserves in Michigan due to their lack of personnel. I was recruited by members at Selfridge MP unit for their shooting team. I told them I couldn't enlist because of Bee sting allergy. I was told to not tell the doctors about the Bee Sting Allergy in my physical. I did not enlist then because I would not lie to enter the military. I was brought up in the principles of Duty Honor, Country, Integrity, Respect, Volunteer Service, Service before Self, and Excellence. I spent the rest of my career serving as a Deputy Sheriff/Paramedic. I was injured in the Line of Duty seven times until I was retired at 39. I have continued to work with the Air Force Auxiliary in search & rescue, Operations/Intelligence, Disaster Relief. I'm on call 24/7 for Homeland Security on our state EOC. On AFRRC missions we are considered Airmen under Total Force. I have worked post 911 in with the (SNS) Strategic National Stockpile My job as Stockpile Planning Assistant was to develop a method to interface with local Police, Fire, EMS, and to protect, break down and distribute the contents in case of an attack. Our plans were the template for the rest of the Nation. My father was in WWII in the Pacific building the Alcan Hwy, North Africa, Operation Overload as an engineer, the Ardenne, and into Germany. My brother was in the Navy as a Petty Officer for 6 years in electronics, missile tech during Vietnam. My uncle was a CPO in the Navy in WWII in the Pacific Fleet. My nephew is in Afghanistan now, he just left the Marine Corp and is DoD inspecting vehicle maintenance until at least October this is his 2nd DoD deployment. He joined USMC boot camp on 10 Sep 2001 and graduated 7 Dec 200. He spent 11 years in the Corp was SSgt up for Gunny when he took the DoD job. He did 2 tours in Iraq and 2 tours in Afghanistan. His last tour he had to take over the duties of his Lt. He was responsible for mission planning. He brought every man back alive, one injured with non life threatening gunshot to the leg, expected to make a full recovery. If you do not feel that I should not have access to this site, please let me know.




EMS Instructor/Coordinator




Radiological Emergency Management (FEMA)


FEMA Emergency Management Institute


Academic Degrees



Job/Skill Training, Radiological Train the Trainer

1981 - 1983

Michigan State University

Not complete, Pre med

1979 - 1981

Mott Community College

Job/Skill Training, Paramedic
