90% Complete
0 Endorsements
24 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,797
12,185 out of 865,948 Veterans
12,185 out of 865,948 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Former GS15, and now I'm looking to build Strong Leaders. I've always been at my best when I was incorporating both concepts of leadership and entrepreneurialism in my Federal and corporate employment. It's in my blood. Mentoring others is one of the greatest joys I have. Opening up my scrapbook, I don't just see faces, I see friends. They were the best investments I ever made.
Military Experiences
Mar 2013 - Aug 2017
Chief Web Strategy and Collaboration (GS15)
Serv as the C, Web Strategy and Collaboration.
Oct 2010 - Feb 2013
Chief Web Strategy (GS14)
Serves as the Chief of Web Strategy for the Directorate of Strategic Communications for the Army Medical Department (AMEDD). Provides executive level managerial expertise regarding all aspects of web strategy, development, and policy to the entire Medical Command (MEDCOM).
Jan 1995 - Jan 1996
Deputy Chief of Information Mgmt
Provided technical leadership to one of the top 17 largest TRADOC posts in the USA. Developed numerous solutions in a very short period of time that carried a high yield return and one concept that has continued to evolve and is still in operation over 20 years later.
Mar 1994 - Jan 1995
Fire Direction Officer
Shot more than 18,000 live rounds and completed more than 100 missions as the Fire Direction Officer in two different firing batteries.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Apr 2004
Advanced Supervisory Skills
Apr 2003
Project Management, Masters Certificate
Apr 1998
Executive Sales, GTE
Foreign Language Skills
French (1+/1+)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
182 Sem Hrs no Degree yet
Personal Information