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I am a subject matter expert (SME) on all matters related to Training and Education, Disaster Management, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear & High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Certified, Force Protection, and Continuity Planning with a distinguished career of combined military and private industry experience.
Emergency/Business Continuity Manager and Educational Specialist with a distinguished career of combined military and private industry experience working with customers, associates, and contractors at all levels of federal, state and local governmental agencies. Subject matter expert (SME) on all matters related to Operations, Education, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear & High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Training and Emergency Management.
Military Experiences
Oct 2007 - Apr 2011
Garrison Command Sergeant Major (City Administrator)
Provided operational support through the planning and execution of an annual budget totaling $100M while providing services to over 120K customers. Monitored implementation of programs and provided guidance to assist with productivity, quality management, and organization improvements for a working population of over 8K with a Plan Replacement Value of property in excess of
$1B while providing various support services to a population of over 120K. Evaluated performance of staffs in meeting objectives or to determine areas of potential cost reduction, program improvement, or policy change. Exercised a high degree of independent authority to organize and execute multiple tasks to include guiding and leading a large diverse team of professionals.
Oct 2005 - Oct 2007
Commandant (Chancellor)
Directed an Institution which supported a population of 50K. Lauded as a model for the twenty-first century academy by superiors. Trained and developed 1.5K personnel annually and managed an annual budget in excess of $500K. Managed multiple data gathering and analysis efforts by leveraging a variety of tools and systematic approaches and formal recognition as one of the best in the world. Promoted the institution by participating in community, state, and national events and developing partnerships with industry and secondary education institutions. Oversaw facilities management for the institution including construction, repair, and maintenance projects for property in excess of $2.75M.
Nov 2004 - Sep 2005
Battalion Command Sergeant Major (Program Manager/Chief Operations Officer)
Project Manager for 600 personnel resulting in recognition for effective management metrics resulting in a 25 percent increase in work production and assignment protocols of personnel based on their unique talents and skills.
Established policies on appearance, conduct, welfare, duty performance, management, and training. Developed and oversaw execution of team certification programs, short and long-range training calendars, schedules, training statistics, training briefings and training guidance while anticipating workload and manpower requirements. Conducted thorough inspections and maintained accurate records which resulted in commendable ratings. Served as a confidential point of contact for personnel to communicate with management, seek clarification on issues and
Jun 2004 - Oct 2004
Division Chemical SGM (Operations)
Project Manager for an organization of 20K personnel. Managed and maintained oversight for the readiness of all personnel to defend against the threat of Toxicological Industrial Agents and Toxicological Industrial Materials. Developed training products and projects which resulted in savings of $500K a year. Recognized for exceptional capability in multi-tasking and result oriented performance. Directed the development or implementation of compliance-related policies and procedures. Verified policies and procedures were documented, implemented, and communicated. Assessed compliance or operational
risks and developed risk management strategies.
(7 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
See Resume For Remaining
May 2013
Antiterrorism Awareness Level 1/Department of Defense · License: 1056401620120EE80E40A
Oct 2012
Professional Continuity Practitoner/FEMA
See Resume for remaining
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2008 - 2011
Personal Information