Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Nov 2015 - May 2016
Future Operations Officer
Future Operations Officer for the largest multi-functional Chemical Battalion in the United States Army, consisting of five companies comprised of over 500 soldiers on three installations. Serve as the Battalion S-3's Assistant for planning, training, integrating and synchronizing operations in support of both Unified Land Operations and Defense Support to Civil Authorities. Responsible for the execution of all Battalion activities. Responsible for planning, coordination, management and implementation of all Battalion missions including pre-deployment training that effects future operations and readiness. Directly supervise a staff section consisting of three non-commissioned officers, one warrant officer and three junior enlisted soldiers.
Oct 2014 - Nov 2015
Platoon Leader
Platoon Leader for the 181st Chemical Company (Manuever Support).
Responsible for the training, readiness, mission command, and
employment of a DECON Platoon in a maneuver support Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Company. Charged with
maintaining the physical and training readiness of the Platoon to conduct
both Unified Land Operations and Defense CBRN Response Force
(DCRF) missions. Responsible for the morale, discipline, health, and welfare
of six Non commissioned Officers, 13 Soldiers, and their
families. Maintained accountability and maintenance of equipment and real
property valued in excess of $8 million. Ensured the platoon
was prepared to deploy and execute any CBRN defensive and mitigation mission
upon arrival in any theater or contingency operation.
Responsible for the training, readiness, mission command, and
employment of a DECON Platoon in a maneuver support Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Company. Charged with
maintaining the physical and training readiness of the Platoon to conduct
both Unified Land Operations and Defense CBRN Response Force
(DCRF) missions. Responsible for the morale, discipline, health, and welfare
of six Non commissioned Officers, 13 Soldiers, and their
families. Maintained accountability and maintenance of equipment and real
property valued in excess of $8 million. Ensured the platoon
was prepared to deploy and execute any CBRN defensive and mitigation mission
upon arrival in any theater or contingency operation.
May 2014 - Oct 2014
Defense CBRN Response Force Liaison Officer
Coordinate 261st Multifunctional Medical Battalion's oversight of 16 subordinate units under the Defense CBRN Response Force mission for FY 14 and FY 15. Serve as liaison for 261st MMB to Task Force Medical and Joint Task Force-Civil Support. Serve as the Task Force 261 CBRN-E Officer for Vibrant Response Exercise at Camp Atterbury, IN. Brief Task Force Bragg (18th ABN Corps) Commanding General, MG Chinn, on Task Force 261's response coordination during Vibrant Response.
Sep 2013 - May 2014
Executive Officer
Executive Officer for Headquarters and Headquarters Battery of an Airborne 105mm Howitzer BN. Responsible for managing and maintaining over $7M worth of equipment, managing and implementing training for over 130 Paratroopers, serving as the Officer in Charge of the Assault Command Post on Airborne Operations, implementing the Command Supply Discipline Program, and acting in the Commander's absence.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
May 2010 - Jun 2010
Cadet Troop Leadership Training, Ft. Drum
Jun 2008 - Jul 2008
Advanced Individual Academic Development, China
Individual & Special Skill Schools
May 2014
German Armed Forces Parachutist Badge (Bronze)
DSCA Level I
Mar 2013
Unit Public Affairs Representative Training
Foreign Language Skills
Spanish (2/2)
Mandarin Chinese (1/1+)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Started in 2017
Norwich University, Higher Education
Master's Degree, International Relations (in-progress)
1LT Chase has the humility and sense of humor to go far in this military. I believe Soldiers would be lucky to have him as their leader!

Air Force | Political-Military Affairs Strategist
Regional Director, WHEM/SSA and Congressional Liaison at SAF/IA, SECAF, HQDAF
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
1LT Charles Sanger is an excellent Officer. Not only does he continue to grow, but he excelled in leading PT, ... <a class="show-endorsement" data-remote="true" href="/endorsements/25947">See more</a>
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character