![Karl Sheppard MSgt Karl Sheppard](https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/profiles/photos/1284899/medium/826a5d7.jpeg)
85% Complete
0 Endorsements
7 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,423
9,270 out of 867,689 Veterans
9,270 out of 867,689 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Joined the Air Force right out of HS in 1971. After basic was assigned to the 90th SMW at FE Warren AFB in Cheyenne WY. Other assignments were Tuslog Det 184 Balikesir Turkey, 89th MAW Andrews AFB, 834 ALD Hickam AFB, 619th MASS Hickam AFB, REDCOM/USSOCOM Macdill AFB, UNC/CFC and USFK/EUSA Command Center Yongsan S. Korea, 1st SOW Hurlburt Fld. Numerous TDY assinments.
Military Experiences
Jun 1990 - Jul 1995
Command Post Operations NCOIC
NCOIC, Command Post supervises enlisted personnel in the wing command post with duties ranging from emergency actions, reports, operations, training, and administration. Supports the wing exercise evaluation team as evaluator/trusted agent. Reviews and authenticates the wing training effectiveness data base used to brief the HQ AFSOC on training effectiveness progress. Acts as senior controller when the wing crisis action team convenes. Provides positive command and control of special Ops aircraft to include pre-mission preparation, launch coordination, enroute flight following, and post mission activities. Implements emergency action directives in response to JCS and NCA taskings. Exercise Evaluator, Operations Security NCO, Self-Inspection Monitor, Supply/Equipment Custodian.
Jun 1989 - Jun 1990
Command Center Seoul
Duty Team NCOIC of the United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command and United States Forces Korea/Eighth United States Army ROK/US Command Center. Senior NCO of a five man, joint-service duty team which provides the command, control, and communications capability to the Commander-in-Chief Korea and his command group. Trains and supervises his team in the operation of 13 C2 systems used to monitor and report on armistice, civil, and military events in the Korean theater. Receives, interprets, prepares, and transmits Emergency Action and other time-critical messages between the National Military Command Center, USCINCPAC, and subordinate units.
Apr 1987 - Jun 1989
SOCOM Command Center NCO
Member of a Unified Command Center Emergency Action Team which operates and monitors the Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network (JCSAN), responding to National Command Authority requirements. Receives, prepares, and transmits emergency action messages to and from JCS and other unified and specified commands. Monitors incoming messages to ensure response. Monitors locations for
Commander in Chief and other key personnel, and performs staff NCO functions as required. ADDITIONAL DUTIES: Serves as software control NCO for Command Center Integrated Command Consoles (ICC), Emergency Action Procedures NCO and Scheduling NCO.
Jan 1985 - Apr 1987
Comand Post Controller
Member of Unified Command Center Emergency Action Team responsible for monitoring the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) alerting network, responding to national command authority requirements, alerting forces as required, preparing and sending emergency messages, monitoring messages to insure response, monitoring location of the Commander in Chief and other general officers and performing staff NCO functions as required.
(10 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
May 1981
Air Force Effective Writing Course
Feb 1978
OJT Manager Supervisor Orientation Course 4AJF7500-002
Oct 1974
Course 3ABR27430, Command and Control Specialist
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees