67% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 402
94,172 out of 867,948 Veterans
94,172 out of 867,948 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Started my Army career in the 95B field (MP) Sep 1980, ETS'd in Sep 1983. Came back in June of 1984 into the 05G field (Signal Security Specialist), which later transitioned into 97G. Once the Army finally decided to nix that MOS I was then re-classed into the 96H (Common Ground Station Operator) field. I retired from the Army in June 2003. 2 tours in Europe (Italy and Germany), 2 tours Korea (both in 2ID, Hovey and Essayons), Tours at FT Hood, FT Meade, Atlanta, FT Stewart and FT Huachuca where I officially retired after 22 years of service.
Military Experiences
Jun 2002 - Apr 2003
Responsible for advising the Chief, Technical Support Division on all Enlisted matters, security issues, and resource management; implements the professional development training of 8 Soldiers in various MOS specialties; plans and synchronizes support operations for IEWTD; serves as a liaison for Contractor personnel; plans and manages logistical resources for test operations; reviews documentation to include NCOERs, awards, risk assessments, and Standard Operating Procedures.
Jul 2000 - Jun 2001
Responsible for Advising the ACofS G2 on all Enlisted matters affecting the 30 assigned Soldiers and families; represents the G2 as Senior Enlisted representative to the 3d IN Div (M) CSM; reviews and provides guidance on all NCOER's and Enlisted awards; oversee Sergeant's Time Training and sponsorship program; interfaces with the Company Commander on Reenlistment, urinalysis program, family care plans, weight control and training; coordinates staff intelligence participation in Division exercises and deployments.
Mar 1995 - Mar 1996
First Sergeant
Responsible for the health, welfare and training of 87 Soldiers and Civilans, managed unit administration and operations; principal adviser to the Commander on all Soldier issues; state of discipline and safety; Commander's principal adviser for unit training to include NCOES courses, Common Task Training, Physical Fitness and Weapons Qualification.
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