Sgt Daniel Latch

Sgt Daniel Latch

Dates of Service: no date specified
54% Complete
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Influence Score: 210
168,402 out of 867,297 Veterans
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  • Pvt
  • PFC
  • LCpl
  • Cpl
  • Sgt

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SPEAR Coaching founder, Daniel Latch, served 6.5 years in Marine Corps and parlayed his experience into a seamless transition upgrading DoD and NATO OpChange projects around the world. Focusing on leadership communication he completed studies in psychology and communications and served as director of training and development for two Fortune 100 companies wile also teaching at 3 universities.

Military Experiences

Apr 2006 - Jan 2008
Scenario Director
Trained and led tribes in the Mojave Viper program in direct interaction with 50 Marine battalions. Provided key tribal profiles to the Marine command level and led scenarios applying regional intelligence to tribal behavior. Performed the task of creating an entrancing reality to produce profound response to readiness. Received commendation suggesting my suggestions for performance improvement were significant in their effect on the primary outcome, saved lives.
Jan 1993 - Apr 1993
Change Consultant
Short term assignment leading union representatives through training plan development to effect and end-around on management which intended to document processes of art and transfer the plant operations to Mexico, costing the local economy greatly. By taking over their own training program and integrating it across operations, Local #9 of the AFLofCIO, owned the art of the manufacturing process and, having their toe on the throttle, were in the right place to partner with management. Manufactured carbon brakes for Boeing 777, and several military fighter jets.
Mar 1976 - Jan 1981
Project Representative
Traveled nationally and internationally to support projects at secure operations of American and Allied military airforce and mil-tech equipment manufacturers. Thirty days following discharge, I reported to the commanding officer of a State Air National Guard as mission transition project leader. This was followed by two similar assignments and final FAA evaluation of two airport surveillance and control radar systems. Tapped to replace two project engineers in Europe to support certification of system manufacturers, training, and field troubleshooting and alignment systems for the Panavia Tornado. Consistently improved performance and beat objectives in all locations by relying on personality, ingenuity and Marine Corps leadership skills.
Sep 1975 - Mar 1976
Avionics Instructor
Entered service with aviation guarantee, attended AIV, AVA, AFTA in 1970 and in 1975 after completing first Harrier WESPAC tour flew to HQMC in Washington and requested instructor school in Norfolk, VA. Joined the training detachment with certification as Instructional Technologist and developed the first IMA level classroom training for Harrier Avionics technologists, creating a hot mock up system from crashed aircraft parts.


(1 year)
Jul 1974 - Jun 1975
Diverted to Japan just three days out of Vietnam aboard LPH-10, the USS Tripoli, we arrived at Iwakuni and off boarded 16 Harriers in 20 minutes, warping the 3" steel deck and prompting a redesign of equipment and protocols for Harrier takeoffs. Served as group avionics maintenance chief.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1984 - 1985

University of North Texas, Higher Education

Master's Degree, Communication Management
