28% Complete
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Influence Score: 10
635,521 out of 866,663 Veterans
635,521 out of 866,663 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Retired Air Force. Pilot training Vance AFB 78-05. T-38 Insructor 97FTS Williams AFB 78-81. F-4E 68TFS Moody AFB 82-85. Ops Officer Pilsung Range Korea 85-86. F-16 68FS Moody AFB 86-89. Staff Langley AFB 89-92. ANG Advisor 127 Wing Selfridge ANGB MI 92-94. T-38 Instructor 560FTS Randolph AFB 94-97.
Military Experiences
Nov 1986 - Aug 1989
F-16 Flight Commander