SFC Kevin Carpenter
Estimated PCS Date
: (Join to see)
82% Complete
6 Endorsements
126 Contacts
Influence Score: 8,957
628 out of 51,374 E-7s
628 out of 51,374 E-7s
I just wanted to share that the military has helped not only myself but my family in a huge way! Before I joined the Army I worked as a Journeyman Plumber. I have been for 14 years.
- 3-BSTB 25th ID CPN Team Chief 2010- 2013
Afghanistan Deployment (2011-2012).
- White House Communications Agency as a Switchboard Supervisor from 2013-2017
- 1ID G6 at Fort Riley DIV NETOPS NCOIC
Poland 2019-2020
- 3-BSTB 25th ID CPN Team Chief 2010- 2013
Afghanistan Deployment (2011-2012).
- White House Communications Agency as a Switchboard Supervisor from 2013-2017
- 1ID G6 at Fort Riley DIV NETOPS NCOIC
Poland 2019-2020