85% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 906
41,237 out of 868,090 Veterans
41,237 out of 868,090 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Mr. O’Keefe served on active duty for 12 year 2 months prior to his disability separation in January 1988 and served 21 years 10 months as a Department of the Army Civilian prior to retiring 31 October 2015 as the Chief of the Training & Industry Collaboration Branch, Science and Technology Division, Army Capabilities Integration Center, U.S. Army TRADOC HQ, Ft. Eustis, VA.
Military Experiences
Jun 1986 - Jan 1988
Combat Arms Project Officer
Liaison between materiel developers and doctrine developers. Assisting materiel developers by providing advice on their projects. Reviewing materiel requirement documents. Perform surveys of units using equipment developed by U.S. Army Natick RDEC. Providing user support to users of personal computers to include: trouble shooting non-operational computers; selection of hardware and software; training users on the use of word processing, database, statistical, financial, and communications software; providing electronic mail support to the Advanced Systems Concepts Directorate using ARPANET; determining computer hardware requirements and assisting the users to prepare the required paper work; served as the ADP Security Officer/Terminal Area Security Officer for the Advanced Systems Concepts Directorate.
Jun 1983 - Jun 1986
Assistant Inspector General
Assisted in the direction and control of Inspector General Activities of the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command. Planned and conducted general, special procurement compliance, and system inspection of 15 Directorate level organizations, 6 Program or Product Management organizations and 2 Army Tank Production facilities. Conducted investigations and inquires involving Department of the Army, Department of Defense, Congressional and Presidential interest. Received and resolved complaints from the more than 6,000 civilian and 350 military personnel assigned to the Command and tenant activities. .
Aug 1981 - Aug 1982
Company Commander
Commanded a 111-person direct support maintenance company with the mission of providing third echelon support of all ground equipment assigned or attached to the 6th Cavalry Brigade (Air Combat); provided first and second echelon maintenance support to all equipment assigned to the ground direct support maintenance company. Developed and evaluated doctrine for employment of the company in Europe or as a part of the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), trained the company to support the Brigade under both garrison and field conditions.
Nov 1980 - Aug 1981
Brigade Maintenance Management Officer
Responsible for the overall Brigade ground maintenance management program in support of over 700 ground systems. Recommended, implemented and supervised maintenance policy of the Brigade. Advised the Brigade Commander on ground maintenance matters and coordinated the required supply and maintenance activities to maximize the Brigade operational readiness rate. Monitored and analyzed records/reports to identify and resolve problem areas. Supervised the Brigade calibration and oil analysis programs to ensure the goals for each wee maintained. Conducted inspections and visits, provided assistance, and coordinated subordinate unit maintenance activities to assure high standards of maintenance and support operations.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Jul 1986 - Sep 1986
U.S. Army Material Acquisition Management Course
Sep 1984 - Oct 1985
U.S. Army Command and General Staff Course
Aug 1983 - Sep 1983
U.S. Army Inspector General Course
Mar 1983 - Jun 1983
U.S. Army Combined Arms Service Staff School,
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information