SSgt Eric Owens

SSgt Eric Owens

Dates of Service: Feb 1979 - Apr 1985
100% Complete
0 Endorsements
20 Contacts
Influence Score: 16,320
3,669 out of 868,098 Veterans
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  • AB May 79
  • Amn Jul 79
  • A1C Feb 80
  • SrA Feb 81
  • Sgt Feb 82
  • SSgt Sep 84

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I have written two books. INSIDE THE RED LINE and a Fiction Novel. I love to write. Love coffee. Love the mountains. Love my family and my country. I enjoy quiet time at home reading a book. I've hiked hundreds of miles of trails in the PNW, have photographed many landscapes. Even published some of them. I hope to connect with other airmen here.

Military Experiences

Sep 1983 - Apr 1985
Tactical Aircraft Maintenance
6:30 AM EST Kicking the Tires
The aircrew arrives in a step van from flight operations to the aircraft. The pilot steps out carrying his helmet bag. “Good morning chief”.

"Morning Sir", I say as he asks how the jet is doing. It’s Capt. Acosta; he’s funny you’d like him and is a great pilot.

We look over the maintenance log together. “She is FMC sir." I tell him with a smile. We begin our pre-flight inspection together.

I help get him strapped into the cockpit. I tell him “It’s a beautiful day to fly sir”, he responds “Yes it is chief, want to come along?”

I smile back saying “Thank you sir but I don’t think my ego would fit into the cockpit, besides someone has to help you park this thing when you get back.”
Sep 1979 - Jul 1983
Administrative NCO
My first assignment was the F15 Systems Programming Office in Area B providing administrative support. Not long after that I was assigned to another group supporting several groups. Back in those days Wright Patterson has Wang terminals. The first IBM word processors weren't until around 81 and they were huge. It was one of the best jobs and assignments ever. It is a great base. Lot's of history. Yes I did see the real Hanger 18 and much more.


(1 year, 8 months)
Sep 1983 - Apr 1985
MacDill AFB, FL
This was not a deployment outside of the U.S. Thought I would add it in anyway. Assigned to the 56th Tactical Fighter Training Wing, 4456 AGS, 72nd AMU, Black Squadron.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jul 1983 - Sep 1983

Sheppard AFB TX

Jul 1979 - Sep 1979

Keesler AFB Technical School


May 2015

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1986 - 1988

Kentucky Polytechnic Institute

Associate Degree, Microcomputer Science

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter