90% Complete
0 Endorsements
21 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,458
17,576 out of 868,091 Veterans
17,576 out of 868,091 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I'm currently the Founder & CEO of PCSgrades, an online community for our fellow service members, veterans, & spouses to help each other solve our biggest must-solve relocation/PCS problems through reviews from the people we trust the most...each other. I have a background in military family advocacy, including fighting for Congressional Law changes to survivor benefits for the Guard/Reserve.
Military Experiences
May 2007 - Jan 2016
T-38 Instructor Pilot
T-38 IP & FCF IP. Teaching pilots to become instructors in the T-38C for Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT)...instructing the instructors.
Nov 2012 - Dec 2014
Wing Director of Innovation
As a full-time reservist, I worked directly for the active duty 12 FTW commander as his director of innovation. Basically I indulged my creativity focused on areas for improvement across the spectrum. One project regarding the logging of flying hours was selected by the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force as one of the top 5 out of 11,000 submissions in the Air Force's Airman Powered by Innovation Program. Another, which uses Wiki style features to facilitate flying instruction techniques is featured by the Secretary of the Air Force in the Air Force 101 Brief.
Jun 2004 - May 2007
U-2 Pilot & T-38 Pilot
U-2 Pilot and T-38 Instructor/Evaluator Pilot. Chief of Squadron Training. OIF, OEF, & ROK.
(9 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jul 1997
USAF Aircrew Life Support Officer
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information