44% Complete
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Influence Score: 778
48,234 out of 868,046 Veterans
48,234 out of 868,046 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
(4 years, 5 months)Sep 2013 - Dec 2014

Operation New Dawn (OND)
Battle Desk NCO for the 371st SUS BDE OHARNG and 108th SUS BDE ILARNG at Camp Arifjan KU.
Jun 2009 - Aug 2010

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
A joint Ohio ARNG/Hungarian Army Mentoring team, 26 men from each. Mentored a kandak from the 209th Corps at Camp Kheligai, Pol-e Komri, Baghlan Provence RC North.
Mentoring training at Ft Riley KS for 3 months, 4 month joint US/HUN operations training Tata Hungary. 6 1/2 months in theater.
Awarded BSM.
Mentoring training at Ft Riley KS for 3 months, 4 month joint US/HUN operations training Tata Hungary. 6 1/2 months in theater.
Awarded BSM.
Dec 2003 - Mar 2005

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Slotted Vert Const Inspector, worked Battle NCO. FOB Speicher near Tikrit. Supported the 1st INF DIV (MECH) and attached units. Closed or improved 50 FOB's through out the AO. Conducted route clearance, "Trail Blazer", missions along MSR Tampa from LSA Anaconda to Bajai.
Awarded Combat Action Badge.
Awarded Combat Action Badge.
Oct 1990 - Mar 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Vertical construction Squad Leader with C Co 46th EN BN (HVY), 20th EN BDE. Supported the 1st Cav and the whole "left hook" thing.
Did projects in and around Dhahran for 18th ABN Corps, Camp White for the 82nd ABN DIV. Moved up to KKMC around New Years, built camps along Tapline Rd. Constructed a helicopter re-fuel point and built combat trails.
Did projects in and around Dhahran for 18th ABN Corps, Camp White for the 82nd ABN DIV. Moved up to KKMC around New Years, built camps along Tapline Rd. Constructed a helicopter re-fuel point and built combat trails.